Thursday, May 28, 2009

Board - Our Life

The path to success

As far as I am convinced, today is the 28th day of the month of April in the year of 2009.... :P ... Lolz.. Well, so this means, that the blood must be rushing through our veins and into the small kid-head. The resuls of the year long mehnat (hard-work) of my fellow mates will soon be out. Just to make the matter more serious. "Our lives are gonna be decided tomorrow." Well, I don't much believe in that statement, but what about our parents? They think a lo about it and until we start to think like the way our elders do... we won't succeed in our lives, at least not that easily. Oh! I went extraneous, hmm... I was telling you that the results are going to be out after just one another day. For some of us it will be 'fly outta the tension' situation and for some others it will become 'bury yourself deep into the grave of stress.'

While I am writing this new entry, my father is sitting somewhere in the other room, gladly finishing his pending work, unaware of my result, till now. I wonder what might my results do to the life of my parents..? How will it affect them, if I get a good or a bad score..? Apparently, it is nothing that is going to affect them, than the happiness or distress of our success or failure... I hope all my fellow mates get a better score for this years board examination (of course it includes me..)..

For some people, getting a top score-card is easy, but for some of us.... we still need a serious invocation, so that we have that anxiety to compete, to OUR level best and defeat ourselves to the victory, and we will find, there is certainly no-one who is above us.... OR CAN EVER BE!

PS - This post is for all of them, who took the boards seriously, for them, who messed it and others who are preparing for it. I just want my message to be extended to all he fellow readers that

"Never think you can't gain a victory, just compete with yourself, win over yourself and encourage yourself with the excitement around you, there is no better competitor for you than you yourself"

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